Research has shown that acupuncture stimulates circulation and the release of endorphins and influences neurotransmitters, the autonomic nervous system, and electrical currents in the body – all of which directly affect how the brain and major organs function. In addition to general positive health effects, acupuncture is also well-known to assist those with chemical dependency. The NADA protocols use auricular (ear) points to help those suffering detoxification symptoms to relax, particularly when feeling most ill from withdrawal. The benefits of the NADA protocol include reductions in drug cravings and anxiety, better sleep, less need for pharmaceuticals, and greater willingness to see drug treatment through.
Massage therapy has been shown to help effectively manage anxiety and depression, relieve stress, reduce blood pressure, release toxins, and alleviate muscular pain and stiffness. More than that, in conjunction with other complementary medicines, massage can help balance a body’s energy, improve flexibility that is being produced in activities such as yoga, and calm the mind.
Yoga therapy has been used with great success as a therapy to help those with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and drug dependency. Yoga therapy is a holistic therapy that takes a whole-body approach to health.
Reiki enhances your overall well-being by assisting in the reduction of stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as chronic pain. This calming methodology can help in addiction recovery by bringing energy balance into the body, de-stressing the mind and spirit, and providing a greater sense of control.
Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique to help decrease stress, anxiety, and improve sleep
Supplements; Our program uniquely uses medical-grade supplements to manage symptoms of withdrawal and decrease cravings and relapse.
Dr. Dee Health Center
PHONE: Tel: 949-548-6376
FAX: 866-677-2855
ADDRESS: 18800 Main Street Suite 101
Huntington Beach, 92648 USA
The Habermehl Aesthetics and Wellness Center is the premier center in Southern California specializing in the unique combination of wellness care, Medical Weightloss and treatment of Substance Use Disorders.